Win over $500 in prizes at the WasabiCon 2015 Costume Contest!
The WasabiCon 2015 Costume Contest is a chance for cosplayers to show off their hard work and passion for dressing up like pop culture characters. The contest will take place Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM in Events A (Ortega). You must sign up IN ADVANCE during the Costume Contest Pre-Judging/Sign-Up in Panels A (San Marco) from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. No entries will be taken right before the contest itself.
This year – we’re proud to announce that the contest is sponsored by Jacksonville’s newest toy and comic book store: Mythical Mountain! The best of show winner will win a $250 Gift Certificate to the store – with other prize categories getting gift certificates, too!
- You must have purchased an entry into WasabiCon 2015 in order to enter/present on stage for the Costume Contest.
- The Costume Contest is a family-oriented event. Please keep all costumes to a “PG-13″ rating (i.e. no nudity or overly revealing attire).
- No bought costumes. Costumes must be 50% crafted or more. You may purchase parts of a costume, but said parts must be disclosed during the judging process. If you are not the maker of your costume (and simply modeling), said creator of the costume must be present with you upon entry. If the costume wins an award, the award will go to the creator of the costume.
- All weapons and props must conform to WasabiCon rules, hotel and convention center policies, and local laws concerning carrying a weapon. If there is a question of doubt, don’t bring it.
- Please provide reference images of the character you are dressed as. We cannot guarantee the judges will know what your character looks like, so having something to compare to will help you as much as them! Please provide this image on a piece of paper to attach to your costume contest registration form. No digital images (i.e. cell phones, iPads, portable computers, tablets, etc.) or books can be submitted for your reference image. Please print the picture out for the judges.
- There is no restriction on costume source. This means all genres & “original characters” are permitted in the contest.
- Each costume must be entered separately. The costumes may be presented on stage (and prejudged) together, but each costume is judged as a separate entry. Simply put: the “Best of Show” award can only go to one individual and not a group. The “Best Group” award, however, is an example of multiple entries being presented together to win this award.
- The contest will be limited to 50 entries total. (NOTE: Costume Contest entry forms are available at the convention ONLY. You may pick them up at Registration when you pick up your badge/wristband for the convention or in Panels Room A at 4:00 on the Saturday of the con.)
- WasabiCon reserves the right to modify, update, or amend the rules at any time… just in case.
- Have fun!
- REGISTRATION takes place Saturday during the Costume Contest Pre-Judging/Sign-Up in Panels A (San Marco) from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
- SET UP: All contestants MUST report to Events A (Ortega) at 6:30 PM to be coordinated for contest. If you are late, you will not be in the contest.
- THE CONTEST takes place that same Saturday from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in Events A (Ortega). There is a 30-minute break to allow for the judges to discuss winners – during which the audience will watch a presentation from Noise Complaint. The winners will be announced after the performance.
- Best of Show (aka “THE winner”)
This winner will take home a $250 Gift Card to Mythical Mountain in Jacksonville, Florida! - Runner Up (aka “the winner that’s not THE winner”)
This winner will take home a $100 Gift Card to Mythical Mountain in Jacksonville, Florida! - Best Junior Costume (aka “the winner that is under the age of 14”)
This winner will take home a $100 Gift Card to Mythical Mountain in Jacksonville, Florida! - Honorable Mention (aka “you were good enough for us to notice”)
- Best Costume Group (aka “the folks who looked cool together in costume”)
- Three (3) Judges Awards (aka “the judges have favorites that didn’t win something else”)
Still have questions? Email [email protected].
August 28, 2016 @ 4:04 am
I was wanting to know the age group for this event ?
August 29, 2016 @ 9:39 am
All ages!