In 2012, WasabiCon was born. Year One was a successful single-day event that was planned and executed in a very limited window of opportunity – within the span of about two to three months.
With YEAR TWO… we had more time. We had a full 8-12 months to put together a fantastic multi-genre convention for the Jacksonville, Florida area. We could make it BETTER. STRONGER. BIGGER.
That’s exactly what we set out to do.
We wanted to make an event that was catering to all fandoms. To truly put on an event that conveyed our motto: “GEEK CULTURE. EXTRA SPICY.”
You told us you wanted Steampunk this year. We got you that. You asked us for more gaming. We devoted 2500 square feet of space purely dedicated to video and tabletop gaming. We had more guests, more panels, and – heck – a whole other DAY of stuff to do! We had a packed schedule and hopefully plenty for all of you out there to take part in and enjoy.
With all that being said, we want to extend an ENORMOUS THANK YOU to all of you out there in the fan community. Thanks to you all, we DOUBLED in attendance this year, with over 1200 people at the event. We CANNOT thank you all enough. Without our attendees we are nothing.
Without the fans, there is no show.
We sincerely hope we delivered on our promises for year two and hope that everyone had a great time.
THANK YOU as well, to our AMAZING (did we mention AMAZING? AMAZING.) Guests, Featured Talent, and Fan Groups that helped make WasabiCon 2013 the awesome event that it was!
- William Salyers
- Chris Cason
- Lisle Wilkerson
- Paul Chapman
- Candy Keane
- Paranormal Crossroads Investigations
- Brema Ebbing
- Jenifer Ann
- Rachel Pandich
- Console Alliance
- Noise Complaint Live
- The 501st Legion
- The Umbrella Corps 219th Division
- The Cowford Steampunk Society
- Jax Anime Club
- Rurouni Kitsune Outfitters and Arena
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors who helped us promote, gave us prizes, and ran events for us!
- Borderlands Comics and Games
- EU Jacksonville
- Gorilla Games
- Jacksonville Game Center
- Paladin Tech and Game
- Rio Grande Games
- Steve Jackson Games
- Privateer Press
A big thank you to all of the vendors and artists who signed on and supported our show! We almost didn’t have enough room for you all!
Thank you to Jennifer and Kristina and the whole staff of the Jacksonville Marriott for all their help and making sure we had everything that we needed!
And finally…the staff of WasabiCon 2013. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You are all amazing and are the beating heart that makes this crazy thing run the way it should. You went above and beyond the call of duty in many cases, and some were even working when they should have been home sick. You cannot be thanked enough for your excellent work.
- John Adams
- Lyn Adams
- TJ Allen
- Myna Branham
- Kaleb Brooks
- Allen Cheeseman
- Shannon Croom
- Tom Croom
- JT Gemborys
- Diane Hunnicutt
- Ray Hunnicutt
- Tracy Hunnicutt
- Tony Inman
- Jeff Jeppesen
- John Lackey
- Annie Mulligan
- Ryan Mulligan
- Dave Munn
- Janice Nabbe
- Katie Nabbe
- Ken Nabbe
- Tom Nabbe
- Francis Osazuwa
- Chris Poss
- Chris Presley
- Russell Westberry
- Chris Wilder
- Jo Witherington
WasabiCon 2013 was a absolutely fantastic experience! We appreciate and want to make sure we publicly acknowledge EVERYONE who helped make it the huge success it was. We hope you all had fun and (of course) we can’t wait to see you again at WASABICON 2014: November 1-2 at the Jacksonville Marriott.
July 26, 2014 @ 3:57 pm
when are you going to update the schedule for wasabicon 2014
August 9, 2014 @ 7:37 pm
Hi, I was just wondering if Wasabicon was coming back this year in November like it says. It’s just a few months away and the website is still talking about last years.
WasabiCon 2014 has completed. Thank you Jacksonville! | WasabiCon | November 1-2, 2014 in Jacksonville, FL
November 5, 2014 @ 2:07 pm
[…] it’s first time (when it was a one day show). That number practically doubled in year two with approximately 1200 unique attendees over two days (or, if you like turnstile numbers, about 1,600). This year we grew about 16% to […]