FEATURED TALENT: Cosplay Model Jenna Esposito

jennaJenna Esposito is a business woman, cosplayer, crafter, and Wonder Woman superfan based out of Jacksonville, FL. Recognized in the region as an award-winning cosplayer and one of Folio Weekly’s Favorite Cosplayers in Jacksonville, she has enough credential to make Diana Prince gasp. Not only was she hired by the Jacksonville Sharks football team as Wonder Woman herself, she donates her time and efforts to charity causes via the Jacksonville Heroes Alliance.
Not afraid to venture into non-Wonder Woman cosplay territory, she is also a noted member of the North Florida Jedi Academy. In 2016, she was invited as a guest model to GAAM (Games Art and Music) to display her talent as the Mortal Kombat queen Sindel.
As many women can relate, Jenna expands her crafty nature into her other true love: shoes. Her internationally selling shoe and fashion business, Shoebeedoo Boutique, has garnered sales from around the world. Her expert in the craft dons the feet of many a blushing bride, as well as power fans at conventions everywhere.
Though boasting her enviable collection of 1978-to-now Wonder Woman merchandise, closet of Wonder Woman outfits, and guest appearances, Jenna considers her greatest legacy and achievement her two teenage daughters. Determined to lead them down the path of nerdy glory, they often accompany her in awe-striking cosplays, reminiscent of Wonder Woman herself.
We’re thrilled to have one of Jacksonville’s best known cosplay personalities as a part of WasabiCon this year!
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