The Vendor Room at our convention is an important part of the holistic fan experience for our attendees, so THANK YOU for your interest in being a part of that. Your involvement grants eager fans access to merchandise themed appropriately for our event, and that is an invaluable part of the overall value of the convention experience. As a part of this year’s event, each Vendor Room space includes:
An eight foot by eight foot area (8 x 8) in the Vendor Room
One (1) six foot table
Two (2) chairs
Two (2) weekend passes to the convention labeled “Vendor”
Need additional “Vendor” badges for your staff? No problem! You can purchase one (1) additional “Vendor” badge for each space you order for an additional $25 when you process your payment online.
Power and Internet access are available. Please see Section V of the Vendors Agreement.
All Green Mustard Entertainment events offer pricing based on advance purchases. The sooner you purchase your space, the less expensive it is!
BEFORE MAY 1 MAY 10, 2016 – $200 per space
BEFORE OCTOBER 16, 2016 – $250 per space
There is a limit of four (4) spaces per vendor. This is due to floorplan logistics and to be fair to other vendors.
Please read and fill out this entire document and please (PLEASE!) print clearly. You should note that your application is not considered complete until after your space(s) is/are paid in full. No exceptions!
If you have questions about anything on this form, please call us at (407) 536-9272 or email [email protected].

- All vendors and their staff are responsible for adhering to the Convention Rules and Weapons Policy posted online at
- The assignment of vendor space will be solely at the discretion of Green Mustard Entertainment management. While we will do our best to accommodate every request, we cannot guarantee a specific space.
- We will attempt to notify you of your table number and assignment no later than five (5) days prior to the event. Vendors room packets containing badges and any other pertinent paperwork will be available for pickup before the event begins. See SECTION VI: Hours Of Operations in the Vendors Room Application & Agreement for the exact dates and times. Packets must be retrieved and badges worn before you will be allowed to set up your space. Packets will not be mailed in advance for any reason.
- Your vendor space will be considered confirmed upon receipt of a signed contract with full payment. Partial payments and verbal agreements do not constitute a confirmed space or guarantee of any kind.
- Any cancellations must be received in writing no later than forty-five (45) days in advance of the show. A fee of $25.00 will be charged for any cancellations. Cancellations are not permitted after fourteen (14) calendar days before the start of the event and all fees (partial or complete) are non-refundable after that point. All refunds will be sent via U.S. Mail within forty-five (45) days after the conclusion of the event.
- Setup and breakdown times at the convention are strictly enforced. Your booth should be open and available for business during the officially posted Vendors Room hours. Breakdown of your space should not begin before the Vendors Room closure time listed on your signed application.
- Bootleg merchandise (aka “grey market goods” – any/all unlicensed products and reproductions of any kind) including but not limited to weapons, costumes, accessories, and all products containing trademarked properties is not authorized for sale in any Green Mustard Entertainment Vendors Room.
- Vendors agree that no weapon or adult material shall be purchased by or handled by any person below the legal age of 18. You are responsible for furnishing adequate information to Green Mustard Entertainment as to the proper removal of a weapon or adult material from the convention after purchase.
- Green Mustard Entertainment reserves the right to revoke or refuse any application or to deny access to and/or remove dealers from the event at any time.
- Green Mustard Entertainment is not responsible for losses due to theft, damage, fire, acts of nature, acts of God, or other causes.
- You are responsible for providing your own insurance, and neither Green Mustard Entertainment nor the hotel/convention center/event venue will be responsible for obtaining insurance for you, your company, or its employees.
- It is your responsibility to collect, report, and pay sales tax and/or fees according to federal, state, county and city regulations. Information and forms can be found online at
- Additional processing fees may apply if you pay for your vendor space online (via Eventbrite).