COMPLAINTS? We hear ya! CHANGES to WasabiCon…
Building WasabiCon has been an ambitious project. The team from Green Mustard Entertainment is growing a show for Jackonville’s fans in less than four months time, and (in doing so,) we’ve gotten a LOT of feedback based on local expections for a convention like this coming to town.
One of the primary concerns that has been voiced is the ticket prices we’ve selected for a first year show.
Well… we’re listening.
We want to make a show FOR the fans, so we’ve made some modifications to the format of WasabiCon.
FIRST – WasabiCon 2012 will now be a ONE DAY convention. It is our intent to keep the format the same… same guests; same entertainment; same events; same vendors; etc. The difference is that we’re going to lower the cost of the show by shaving off Sunday for year one because (let’s face it) Sunday’s are slow and sleepy at newer shows.
Events will run from 11:00 AM on Saturday to 2:00 AM Sunday morning (Saturday night.) So, in reality, the impact on the show will be minimal. Based on our originally planned schedule, the event will lose less than six hours of planned entertainment.
SECOND – If you’ve already bought a ticket, you should have received an email from us regarding getting a partial refund for your pass.
THIRD – If you haven’t bought your pass yet, we are offering 100 tickets at only $15 for the next week. After that, tickets will be $20 in advance. At the door, tickets are $25 (dropped $5 from the original Saturday only price.)
Now that we’ve gotten the structure of the show reset, we will be emailing/posting panel confirmations and putting up the schedule over the coming week.
If you have any questions – email us!