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ANX Kpop/Jpop Events

Check out the “Kpop/Jpop Battles” and “Dance & Destroy”!
ANX Kpop Battles

ANX Kpop/Jpop Battles is a live Kpop/Jpop Dance-Cover event where fans of all kinds come together to showcase their favorite dances. Saturday’s live competition is something you won’t want to miss at this year’s WasabiCon! Best of Show walks away with $500 in cash. On Sunday, check out ANX Dance & Destroy where attendees compete until only one dancer remains!

BATTLES SIGN-UP DAY & TIME: Sign up via Discord
BATTLES EVENT DAY & TIME: Saturday at 6:30 PM
BATTLES EVENT LOCATION: Main Events (Ballroom North)

D&D SIGN-UP DAY & TIME: Sign up via Discord or @ the event
D&D SIGN-UP LOCATION: Sign up via Discord or @ the event
D&D EVENT DAY & TIME: Sunday at 2:00 PM
D&D EVENT LOCATION: Main Events (Ballroom North)

ANX Kpop/Jpop Battles Competition Rules

STYLE: TEAMS & SOLOS (Tashannie style)
TEAM FORMATION SIZE: Team member limit is 5

  1. You must have purchased an entry into the convention in order to be a participant/spectator for the ANX Kpop/Jpop Battles.
  2. ALL signups are done through the ANX Kpop/Jpop Battles Discord as there are constant live updates and meetings to better prepare participants prior to the convention. When joining the Discord, be sure to review all of the information in the only available channel immediately to be granted access to the actual event signup form.
  3. Solos or groups can participate in this event.
  4. Signups do not guarantee participation.
  5. Performances are limited to 3 minutes with an extra 30 second bleedover time frame. If participants will go over this mark by a few seconds, please let ANX Kpop/Jpop Battles know.
  6. Participants will need to submit practice or past performance footage of their team (or themselves) for consideration. It will be on one of the sections of the event signup form. This is to ensure participants are not using someone else’s footage for the submission.
  7. Please read all additional details featured on the ANX Kpop/Jpop Battles Discord.
SIGNUPS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN! and will close Sunday October 10th with a possibility of closing early if there are too many signups.